Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The day after Chemo

In my last post I told you that my pain began in the morning and lessened after getting to SCOA for IV pain medication and my first dose of Gemzar. This morning I awoke feeling great, but then begain having pain again. So far, I have been able to control it at home.

One of the side effects of Gemzar is a breakdown of the tissues in the mouth. I don't know yet if this is it, but my mouth is more sensitive today than before. I am forcing liquids today and added Gatorade. Besides the ever present pain I think today is a good day. I would like to have a BM, but so far nothing.

I have Caremark drug coverage. I am only able to get limited supplies of my Sandostatin through my local pharmacy and get bulk through the mail with Caremark. I spoke with their agent today and will be able to refill my script after Monday. This means that my supplies will run out again before my bulk order arrives. Also, Sandostatin is VERY expensive! Two 200 mcg/5cc bottles cost $130.00 This is enough for ten does, or just over three days. And I have a TRU-CLOSE vacuum drainage bag that a box of ten costs $900. Each bag lasts about 4 days. I hope to have the pseudocyst that is causing the leak to be treated at MUSC soon and get rid of the bag and the Sandostatin in one fell swoop.

That's about all for today.

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