Wednesday, February 28, 2007

After a week off of chemo

Monday ended my week off from Chemo treatments. The week off helped me gain 6 pounds (Up to 168 now!) and added to my hemoglobin (12.6mg/dl). I used my days off to go and visit my friends at work in the EKG Department and Cath Lab. I am looking forward to the time that I will rejoin those folks, but for now must continue to take my treatments and pray that God will bless me with a total remission from my cancer.

I met with Dr. McElveen yesterday before my Chemo treatment and discussed my coming back to work. after laying it all out on the line, we agree that now is not the time to consider it, but after April, when we have more scans done and a better idea of how I am doing we could reconsider the matter.

Otherwise, I am doing pretty good! I am able to attend Bible Study and Worship every Sunday. I was able to attend the Men's Bible Group this past Monday evening. I do continue to suffer pain, I am still plagued with constipation, and I tire easily. In all, I think I'm improving day by day. I thank God for this, and your prayers to Him from you on my behalf.

Susannah Zahn, the three year old daughter of Pastor Jason Zahn, remains hospitalized at Palmetto Health Richland with what is now an undetermined diagnosis. The virus has come and gone, but she remains feverish and the source has not yet been determined. Also, her kidney function remains slightly less than normal with her body accumulating sodium. Her family stays at her bedside 24/7 while the hospital staff come in to do the necessary, but likewise painful tasks that are part of her treatment. I pray that the specialist that are now a part of Susannah's diagnostic team quickly find the source of her fever and are able to treat her accordingly. I also pray that God grant healing to Susannah and that she is quickly sent home fully cured of this disorder, or given a course of treatment that will keep her fever free from this source. I also pray that God grant strength and patience to Pastor and Jesse Zahn as they continue their vigil at their daughter's bedside and know that while they await their daughter's recovery that so do we along with them.

Thank you, my friends and family, for your prayer support for me and for Susannah Zahn.

Your brother in Christ,

Friday, February 16, 2007

Something to cheer about

I just copied the following from Pastor Zahn blog about Susannah:

Today is another day of God's grace and another day for which we have some very obvious blessings for which to give thanks. Susannah is no longer in need of oxygen assistance to sustain her blood oxygen levels. She is being weaned off of morphine and adevant (sp?). The medical team is trying to get her off of those drugs as quickly as they can - but they also do so with caution so as not to worsen her withdrawal symptoms. So far - so good. She has "the shakes" from time to time but for the most part seems to be doing well. She is drinking fluids this morning. The next step is to get her to eat something by mouth. She also received a suppository this morning to help her bowels move again. Odd that we brought her in because we couldn't get her bowels to stop and now we won't be taking her home until we can get her bowels to start!

We've been told that she has reached the point that she'll be assigned to a regular pediatric room. We're just waiting for that transfer to take place. The doctor also said that if she starts eating, her bowels start up again, and she is weaned off the morphine, she'll be ready to go home. To me that sounded like a lot of things that wait on - but he said that we could be headed home with her in a day or two! Amazing. We can't wait (and neither can Susannah from what we she's telling us).

It's so wonderful to post the updates on her amazing progress. My fingers can't keep up on the keyboard with all the things that I want to say (and for your sakes that's probably a blessing so that this update doesn't become a novel). Words cannot express the gratitude and the anticipation and the excitement we feel. In a way it's like Susannah has been born to us all over again. The same eagerness to return home from the hospital and so looking forward to enjoying the simple stuff of everyday life together with her reminds me of what we were feeling when we brought her home from the hospital the first time!

We'll continue to keep you posted on her progress. Know that our words cannot begin to express the immense appreciation we feel toward all of you for your prayers, your care, your concern, and your love. Yes, so many reasons for us to thank our good and gracious God for his many blessings!


I wanted to share with you this successful news to bolster you in your life of prayer to demonstrate what can be accomplished by bringing your requests before the throne of grace to be heard by the Mighty and Meciful God Almighty. I know and have felt His hand of mercy in my own life and live today only through that mercy.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."(Hebrews 11:1) By seeing the effectiveness of prayer God gives us a glimpse of the certainty to which we cling. I share this with you to strengthen you and to make you certain that what you do is both meaingful and powerful. Keep up the good work!

Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A rough morning

I have been having some indigestion / constipation problems since my chemo treatment this Tuesday. After taking a fiber laxative on Tuesday evening and a good result late that night I began to notice that I was developing a lot of gas on my stomach which required me to sit upright to expell the "burp". That night I got very little sleep because of this. The condition continued right through Wednesday and as I got up on Thursday morning I noticed additional nausea. I took one of the Zofran melt-in-your-mouths and expected to get relief, but within 30 minutes became more nauseated and finally vomited. This provided me with the greatest relief - finally. Since then, I have had little to no problems with indigestion or nausea. My pain continues today, but is bearable with the Dilaudid.

I am expecting David to come by today and help me move my desktop computer from my youngest son's bedroom into an anwar we put together in the living room. He leaves for Brooklyn tomorrow and I am looking forward to spending what time this trip allows with him before he leaves.

Next week is my "off" week and I am looking forward to not taking a chemo treatment and regain my strength, etc. I hope to use one of those days to make a trip into work and visit my friends at Palmetto Health Baptist - Columbia. It has been awhile since my last visit there and I miss those guys very much. Their prayers, along with those of Hope Lutheran Church and many many others, and the grace of our Eternal and merciful Lord are the very reason I am still here. I cannot begin to thank all of you for your support for me in prayer. It is the work of the Holy Spirit both in you for your prayers and in the grace that now enjoy. We hold these in faith; also the working of the Holy Spirit. Kinda neat, huh?!?

I, and I know you, continue to hold Susannah Zahn in prayer as her condition continues to improve. Both I and her parents thank you for your support. I hope to be able to report to you soon on her latest improvements.

May God our Father bless and keep you. Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Susannah Zahn's condition continues to be serious. She is no longer on dialysis, but remains on the ventilator and is beginning to get bed sores. She might be weened off of the ventilator as soon as tomorrow, but then will need to treat the pneumonia that has developed in her right lung. I pray that God lifts up His mighty arm and heals her quickly. Amen.

Today I go in for another chemo treatment. I get next week off to recover; I really like those weeks off! The additional IV fluids taken at home continue to work well with me. I experience less pain and less constipation using them. I have had pain for the past three days and feel that they are related to the constipation. I will begin aggressive treatment of that condition; regularly taking a laxative with each meal.

I know that you continue to keep me in your prayers, but I have greater concern for Susannah Zahn's health than I do for my own. Please continue to keep her in your prayers and be sure to include her parents that they remain strong and able to face the days ahead with confidence that everything they face is for their own good. Romans 8:28 I too rely on that promise to face each day.

Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Something else to pray about

I have appreciated your prayers and know that they are effective, but I have something new I want you to consider and add to you list.
Susannah Zahn, the daughter of Pastor Jason Zahn of Hope Lutheran Church, is suffering from complications from a bout with rotovirus and dehydration. She has undergone dialysis and her kidneys now appear to be responding. She is heavily sedated and is on a ventilator. Her doctors are now trying to balance the fluids in her tissues with those in her bloodstream. I know that you will keep her in your prayers and I will keep you all updated as news of her condition comes to me.
As for me, I underwent another chemo visit after meeting with Dr. McElveen yesterday. I have one more treatment scheduled next week and then wil take a week off. Then we take three more treatments. On my off week I go in for office visits and we will do another scan
in April unless I have another spell of great pain. I lost 5 pounds last week and find my appetite fluctuating. Hopefully I will gain those 5 pounds and a few more in the coming weeks.

Your brother in Christ,

Friday, February 2, 2007

IV fluids are working

I am happy to report that the IV bags are working to reduce the problems I have had following my chemo treatments. I have had pain, but much less nausea. Tonight Cindy and I will be going out to eat at San Jose. Something I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.
Next Tuesday I will learn what Dr. Mcelveen has planned for the rest of my treatments. He may go ahead and do three more in a row or decide to skip a week. Either way will work for me. I will also ask about when he plans to do the P.E.T. scan to determine the efficacy of my treatments.
I hope that all is going well with all of you.

Your brother in Christ,